
Python is a powerful language. During my internship, I was assigned to work on a Python project. I am familiar with Python as a script. So, it was not a big deal for me to work out the project which could meet most of the specifications. However, when it comes to deployment, it is different. For now, I uploaded it to test-pypi, used poetry for dependency management, and pyenv for developing and testing.
The whole thing is quite interesting and I am also hoping it could be helpful for someone.
(You don’t need any of the below things if you are using Python as a script)


I am going to talk about deployment first because it worked fine on a single environment for one project. But when I finished most of my developing job and tried to put it into a pipeline, a question came out:
How to run this project on another machine?
I was thinking if I could download it via pip install <package_name> and I found the instructions at official tutorials. Following the instructions, I refactored the project and made it a module to be downloaded via pip.
However, after one week’s work, I decided to make some changes: use poetry to set up the project instead because it simplifies the whole process in some aspects:

  1. it can build the project with poetry build
  2. it can publish with configuring it once
  3. it has only one configuration file pyproject.toml
  4. it can add and install dependencies just like npmor yarndoes

I was amazed by this fancy tool and quickly change the current packaging workflow to poetry.


As mentioned before, I didn’t manage the dependencies at first until I had a lot of problems after I deployed the tool on a different machine.

  • Some dependencies are missing
  • Using a development version rather than the deployed version
  • How can I test in other Python environment?

Therefore, I started to use virtual environment to handle the above issues. Of course, if you are only using Python as a script, it is not worthy to get a new environment; if you are working on a single project, it might be meaningless to get an isolated environment. But, if you are working on a different projects, want to test in different environment, virtual environment could help a lot.
There are basically 3 tools to introduce:

  • **pyenv **- downloads versions of Python
  • **venv **- creates isolated virtual environment
  • **virtualenv **- creates an virtual environment with a specified Python version

Also, if you are using Linux or mac, there is a plugin named pyenv-virtualenv to do all these work with only pyenv. Unfortunately, according to feature: pyenv virtualenv command · Issue #61. pyenv-win doesn’t support the plugin and might would not support it.
Here is the process of getting a virtual environment for developing and testing

  1. Download a version of Python:pyenv install 3.9.0
    1. if we want to know where is it, looking for C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.9.0\python.exe
    2. Or, you can set the local python with pyenv local 3.9.0 and get the location with command pyenv which 3.9.0. It should give you the location.
  2. Then create a virtual environmentvirturalenv -p=<python_location> <your_venv_name>. A folder should be generated in your project with name <your_venv_name> and this is your virtual environment.
  3. To activate, just run command <your_venv_name>\Scripts\activateand you will be in. Try running pip list to see if it is isolated. If you want to leave the environment, just rundeactivate

In case you didn’t notice, I did’t use venvhere because venvcan only create virtual environment with the same python within your environment. So we used virturalenvas a workaround. You can pick up your tools based on your situations.


I am not using condawhich is also a well-known tool for this for no reason. I just randomly chose a tool and recorded everything’s come up to my mind. I might add new stories if I start to use conda. Let’s stay tuned.